About Me

My photo
Damansara, Penang>Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
rounded face gurl who always looking for a good angle for self capture all the time~~haha..super duper strawberry lover**^^**and also typical scorpio little gurl~~beware of me~~muahaha

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Theme of the night
White,blue stripes
Btw we look like workers from factory when we standing beside each other LOL
With Rohnie ,My old dear friend from Penang since secondary school
can't remember since when we are so close to each other
feel so good all the time meeting old friends
we will do anything without caring image
we talked a lot all the time and
tonight we had a great dinner In Pavilion
Great Thai cuisine located at 6th floor U must try it~

My Favorite Thai iced tea

Appetizer and the dessert

And me~!!
Thanks friend always listen to me
Sharing to me even thou the meal is bit expensive
as long as with the right person
sharing the right thing
everything worthy.

Oh ya guess what it is?
chiang chiang
OMG I love it so much~!!!
wish could dream about it.

1 comment:

Rohnie said...

Hahahaha, white and blue stripes rawkz!
U shud have mentioned it wasn't planned, but it was just out of sudden!!!!!