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Damansara, Penang>Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
rounded face gurl who always looking for a good angle for self capture all the time~~haha..super duper strawberry lover**^^**and also typical scorpio little gurl~~beware of me~~muahaha

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Women n Money?

From century to century and generation to generation, women have been known to have a different orientation towards money than men. We have been trained on the conscious and unconscious levels to be less than, even smaller than men. History tells us that women belong at the heart of the family, to nurture, support and rear children. What this instilled in the minds and souls of women was that it is a man’s world. Men go out and provide for women; they take risks; they are the almighty and powerful who will protect and provide for us. We learned how to be a subservient subculture, whether through entering jobs of service; being homemakers, or allowing men to handle our money.

Historically, women have not been encouraged to deal with the pressures of business, envy, competition, responsibility and accountability. We settle. And when we do this, we betray all we can be. We have been known to think small because we don’t believe we can achieve our dreams. Sometimes, we don’t even allow ourselves to dream. We are still waiting to be loved, to be taken care of. It’s easier. BUT IT’S NOT! We waste our energy looking for “it” on the outside, rather than inside ourselves, with all our knowledge, wisdom, enthusiasm, passion and creativity.

Another myth is that women believe they are not good enough or smart enough to reach the higher financial echelons. We are creating small home-based businesses which is a big step towards independence and heightening our self-esteem, and many women choose this as their priority, especially when they are home with their children. However, we have major fears about failure and success on a larger scale. If we have dreams, we’re afraid we’ll do the wrong thing, and it means we’re not worthy. We are afraid to take risks and we use our fears to stay small. It’s easier. It also creates a vicious cycle so that we continue to stay in the same place -- on a treadmill going nowhere – complaining and blaming others and life for our miseries and lack of happiness and abundance. It’s the familiar, the comfort zone we have come to know and from which we don’t want to leave.

We are now in the 21st Century. Although we have only made a small impact on the universal belief system of our role expectations, women have evolved substantially over the last 50 years. As we continue to challenge our misconceptions about who we think we are, take risks, model ourselves to one another, and create new self-images, we will continue to evolve and integrate ourselves, with a much higher standard, into the larger orchestra of life. Thus, we will create our own unique rhythm that vibrantly and dynamically harmonizes with all parts of life.

p.s Its just a copied and paste article :P

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