About Me

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Damansara, Penang>Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
rounded face gurl who always looking for a good angle for self capture all the time~~haha..super duper strawberry lover**^^**and also typical scorpio little gurl~~beware of me~~muahaha

Sunday, June 17, 2007

silent night~~

big gurl don't cry...im crying cause im not yet a big gurl~
its was an awful night sorry for all my friends
suddenly feel lost..n pop out lots ?? and asking reason y in my mind...
i nvr felt that for a long while...its hurt its proof that u r nothing..
a meant world that v r living..
and telling myself
mayb life rewards effort not excuse~~
successful ppl failed more often
they plant more seeds.
go go n move move to wat u want now everyone..
or u regret later~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

big girl wont cry
i hope that i wont be a big girl forever
i want to be a small girl forever and forever:)